The first event of the new BHA was the Drinks Reception at Badock, followed by dinner hosted by the Wills Hall Association at Wills Hall, on 9th July 2016. The WHA has been established for many decades and hosts activities – including its Annual Dinner – on the University’s Alumni Weekend.
Just over 30 Badock guests were present at this event, representing alumni from the opening of the Hall in 1964 through to 2013 and including several groups of friends who had arranged to get together for the occasion. After drinks in the Senior Common Room, accompanied by much reminiscing, photographs taken outside the Main Building and the Warden then led the guests on a short tour through parts of the Hall – including the Jubilee Building – en route to Wills Hall for the dinner.
Badock alumni outside the Main Building after the drinks reception.
The Guest of Honour at dinner was the Vice-Chancellor & President, Professor Hugh Brady, who also gave a speech that was of much interest to all as it was the first occasion on which most had met him since his appointment in September 2015. Entertaining talks were also given by Charles Gunter in his capacity as Chairman of the Wills Hall Association, Prof. Robert Vilain (Warden of Wills Hall), Noah Levy (President of the Wills Junior Common Room) and Prof. Mark Lowenberg (Warden of Badock).
It seemed that a good time was had by all, and certainly by the Badock alumni, most of whom had not seen each other – or visited their old home in Stoke Bishop – for a long time.
Given the success of the combined Wills/Badock dinner, it has been agreed that this arrangement will be extended for the 2017 Alumni Weekend to include not only Badock and Wills but also Churchill and Manor halls. The date of the event is Saturday 15th July and the guest speaker will be Load Boateng, who is one of the Badock Hall Association Patrons. Further details will follow in due course.